Disinfo Defense Hub

The Ekō community is defending democracies around the world from the threat of disinfo on global tech platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and Google. These platforms are exacerbating fake news and conspiracy theories, allowing their rapid spread in the name of profits over people. Together, we will fight for more accountability, transparency, and better regulation.
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Challenge gender disinformation when you see it
Ekō partnered with Ultra Violet, Color Of Change, and many other groups to create a guide for media
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Ekō - ICU Nurse speaks out - STOP THE COVID LIES | Facebook
Did you know that an Arizona man just died following Trump's coronavirus advice?! Listen to this ICU nurse's urgent plea to stop the spread of disinformation. Jesse, who is on the front lines battling the pandemic in Wisconsin hospitals, explains why disinformation needs to stop NOW or more deaths like this will happen.
Stand with Twitter Against Trump
We stand with Twitter to flag misleading tweets which threaten our democracies, and we encourage Twitter to do even more to stop disinformation from spreading on its platform.
Facebook - DO YOUR JOB
This is a critical time for democracy. The US election is days away and Facebook is still allowing the spread of disinformation to churn out lies, propaganda, and conspiracy theories. But we still have time to force them to clean up their act. We’re demanding Facebook DO THEIR JOB in ensuring their platform is not used to incite violence or undermine the Election outcome both before Election Day and beyond.
When Facebook Fails, Our Democracy Pays the Price
Mark Zuckerberg was right - Facebook has "a responsibility to not just build tools, but to make sure that they’re used for good.". They’re failing, and our democracy is paying the price. Check out our new TV ad, then help us hold Facebook accountable - accountabletech.org
Clearview AI ends facial recognition software in Canada
Clearview AI will stop offering its facial-recognition services in Canada in response to an investigation by the federal privacy commissioner. We’re celebrating the indefinite suspension of Clearview AI’s contract with the RCMP ✊🏿. Now Ekō members are fighting to force Clearview AI out of our social networks as well. Twitter, Google, Youtube and LinkedIn have already told Clearview to stop scraping photos or face legal action, and Apple has blocked the app. If thousands of us call on Facebook to take legal action against Clearview AI, we can stop this dystopian future before it starts.
Facebook revenue down as calls for ads boycott grows
Hundreds of advertisers are joining the “StopHateforProfit” Facebook ads boycott to force Mark Zuckerberg to address hate speech and divisiveness on its platform. Together, we are sending Facebook a powerful message - Your profits will never be worth promoting hate, bigotry, racism, antisemitism and violence.
Fox News' coronavirus coverage is endangering lives
As health workers across the world battle to get the facts out about staying safe during coronavirus, Fox News is spreading dangerous speculation and outright lies. These lies only get to air because advertisers like Expedia sponsor the shows of Fox's top presenters. No more. Tell Expedia to stop funding these dangerous lies now!
Online Campaign Demanding Google, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter & Others Stop Pushing Harmful Content Garners Over 51K Supporters in Less Than a Week
Coalition to Gather Outside Mark Zuckerberg’s Home to Demand Facebook Clean Up Its Act
Facebook Must Turn Over Evidence that could prove Rohingya Genocide
Ekō Delivers Message to Jack Dorsey - BAN TRUMP
See how Big Tech helped to incite the Capitol riots
Big Tech blamed for Capitol riots
GDI Primer - The US (Dis)information Ecosystem
Complicit - The Cost of Facebook’s Disregard for Human Life
Reporting in an Era of Disinformation - Fairness Guide for Covering Women & People of Color in Politics
Black Lives Matter - Help Us Fight Disinformation
Public Figures, Public Rage - Candidate abuse on social media
GDI Ads sponsored by NGOs / Charities, appearing next to disinformation
The Social Dilemma
TikTok Fails to Stop the Spread of QAnon Conspiracies on its Platform
Disrupting Disinfo Campaigns
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